Monday 15 November 2010

Buried Treasure of Epoch of Batu Khan Invasion Found in Torzhok

РИА Новости
Клад времен нашествия Батыя обнаружен в Торжке

Клад времен нашествия Батыя обнаружен в Торжке

  Археологи при раскопках на территории древнего кремля в городе Торжке (Тверская область) обнаружили клад, состоящий из серебряных украшений и серебряного лома, относящихся к моменту нашествия Батыя на Русь. >>

In the course of excavations in the ancient kremlin in Torzhok (Tver Region) archeologists have found a treasure of silver ornaments dating back to the period of Batu Khan’s invasion.

This remarkable find was discovered in a layer of ashes about 50 centimeters thick that remained after the fire of March, 1238. The town was defended from hordes of Batu Khan for about two weeks, but on March, 5th, 1238 the Mongols seized the town and put it on fire.

The treasure consisting of 250 items was found in this layer. These are silver ornaments that had been in use, and scrap silver, which had been specially saved, most likely, in a boyar family.

Archeologists assume that it was a reserve for the rainy day, since it was during the non-monetary period in Russia. Besides, during digging works in Torzhok they for the first time found unique seals that had belonged to local governors, who ruled the town on behalf of Novgorod.


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