Thursday 25 November 2010

From the International Dunhuang Project Video Channel: Mazar Tagh

IDP UK's Video Channel released in August 2010 an issue about Mazar Tagh.

Over a century ago the Hungarian scholar Marc Aurel Stein set out on what was to be his first of four expeditions to Chinese Central Asia. He was in search of ancient civilisations, almost forgotten to history yet with ruins which could potentially provide archaeological evidence of the rich cultural mix engendered by the opening of the international trade routes across Eurasia the Silk Road. Steins expeditions and finds exceeded his expectations: he uncovered hundreds of archaeological sites, discovering over 50,000 artefacts. He also mapped his journey and the sites and took over 5,000 photographs, recording the sites, people he encountered, everyday life, officials and the changing landscape. In November 2008 members of a joint project between IDP and the Xinjiang Institute of Archaeology in China (XJIA), retraced Stein's footsteps to retake his site photographs a hundred years on.

Read more about the IDP Field Trip? Click HERE

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