Friday 11 March 2011

The story behind a photo shoot of the Silk Road Exhibition

This is from the blog of Sabina Lousie Pierce

I got a call from one of the editors at the NY Times arts section assigning me the “Secrets of the Silk Road” exhibit at the University of Pennsylvania’s archeology and anthropology museum.. The shoot was set up for Saturday but was quickly changed to Friday afternoon after the museum said it had to be Friday.. Luckily my afternoon was free so I jumped in my car and headed over.. I had been wanting to see the exhibit anyway. . I was greeted by the pr lady and we wandered through the exhibit.. It was a delight and eye candy for a photojournalist.. They had just opened the doors to the public and I found a few feet from the first mummy a mother and her daughter looking at the program with a walk with the time line of the silk road in the background.. I quickly adjusted my camera to the dim light and shot a few frames. after asking them for their names and explaining who I was I headed on looking and reading and photographing as I went.. I spent over an hour shooting and came away with many choice photographs.. after a quick edit, I fixed up 19 photos, captioned them and sent them up to the Times. On Sunday I went on the website by chance in the afternoon see the most recent updates coming out of the middle east when what did I see front in center of the website but one of my photos. It was one of my favourites, of that same little girl looking at a princess mummy… a few hours later a slide show popped up.. I liked every one of the photos they picked, but there was one or two that I really liked that were missing.. I’m gonna post them here so they will at least get a little light! plus a link to the page and the slideshow.. so you can judge for yourself. all in all a memorable shoot and a bit of education too.

For more of my work check out

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