Saturday 24 March 2012

Photo's from Old China

Greatwall China [1907] Herbert G. Ponting [RESTORED]
Group Of Chinese Women With Fans, Canton, China [c1880] Afong Lai [RESTORED]
Yen's Soldiers, Militarism In China, Here Are Specimens Of The Soldiery Who Protect The People By Dominating Them, Who Protect Property By Looting It, Liao Chow, Shansi, China [c1925] IE Oberholtzer (probable) [RESTORED]
Chinese Family [c1875] Attribution Unk [RESTORED]
Boxer Prisoners Captured By 6th US Cavalry, Tientsin, China [1901] Underwood & Co [RESTORED]
Beggars, Beihai Park [c1917-1919] Sydney D. Gamble [RESTORED]

From: Ralphrepo in Random Pics from Old China

"Pics in this set are those that were taken from the Pre Deng XiaoPing period (that is, any pic taken in China or of the Chinese diaspora, before the death of Mao). All pictures are restored, meaning that they were digitally corrected to either enhance viewing ability, or to correct defects from historic damage. In no instance were any alterations performed to change the perception of political or social history that the image would otherwise convey. These photographs are posted purely to stimulate and educate the public, and to further knowledge, interest and discussion of Chinese history. All images in this collection were found on the internet; either in public, private or commercial web pages or galleries. I have also tried, to the best of my ability, to provide working links to the original non restored image sources so that viewers have a point of comparison should they so desire. To the best of my knowledge and research, the images themselves are either out of copyright (in the United States) or collected and posted under fair use rules for strictly non commercial purposes".  Ralphrepo

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