Sunday 22 April 2012

Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity

Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity: The Silk Trade

Start Date: 
Fri, 20/04/2012
End Date: 
Sat, 21/04/2012
Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard, Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street, Room 133
The workshop is sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation in collaboration with the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard.
The workshop is free and open to the public, seating is limited. Please register in advance with the organizer Berit Hildebrandt
Friday 20 April
4 - 4.30 p. m.  Berit Hildebrandt (Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard / University of Hannover):  The Silk Trade between the Mediterranean World and Asia: Questions and Approaches
4.45-5.45  J. Mark Kenoyer (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Textiles and Trade in South Asia during the Proto-historic and Early Historic Period (2600 BCE – 300 CE)
Respondent: Richard Meadow (Harvard University)
6.00-7.00 Xinru Liu (The College of New Jersey): Looking towards the West – How the Chinese View the Romans
Respondent: Berit Hildebrandt (Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard)
Saturday 21 April
9.00 – 10.00 a. m. Peter Fibiger Bang (University of Copenhagen): Archaic Consumption and Ancient World Trade: Silks and other Luxuries between Rome and Han-China
Respondent: Marie-Louise Nosch (The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research Copenhagen)
10.15 - 11.15 a. m. Beate Wagner-Hasel (University of Hannover): Textile Qualities and Luxury Discourse in Antiquity
Respondent: Marie-Louise Nosch (The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research Copenhagen)
11.30 – 12.30 a. m. Thelma K. Thomas (New York University):  Reflections of the Wide World of Luxury: Silk Finds from the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity
Respondent: Mary Harlow (The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research Copenhagen / University of Birmingham)
12.30 - 1.30 p. m. Lunch Break
1.30 - 2.30 p. m. Lillian Lan-ying Tseng (New York University), Text and Textile: Inscribed Brocade in the Tarim Basin
Respondent: Angela Sheng (McMaster University)
2.45 - 3.45 p. m. Feng Zhao (China National Silk Museum Hangzhou): The Silk from the Silk Road: Wild and Domestic, or Reused? A Study on Tabby, Taquete and Jin with Spun Silk from Yingpan, Xinjiang, 3-4th Centuries CE
Respondent: Angela Sheng (McMaster University)
4.00 – 5.00 p. m. Irene Good (University of Oxford): From Han Silk to Samitum - Early Compound Weaves and Loom Technologies in Late Pre-Islamic Inner Asia
Respondent: Angela Sheng (McMaster University)
5.15 – 6.15 p. m. Final discussion

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