Friday 18 May 2012

Yuan Dynasty Artefact Found in Bayankhongor

Oldwor Amgaa
The Administration of the National University of Mongolia reports that a historically and nationally significant buried cave artefact from the Middle Ages has been found in the Bayan-Undur som of the Bayankhangor aimag.
The artefacts were found in the Bayan-Undur som’s Dund Mountain Shuut cave and Burgast and Gozgor hills. The burials show an important aspect of the customs and culture of the nomadic culture. No other burials such as these have been found in Mongolia or Central Asia. The Governor of Bayan-Undur, B.Idermunkh, came in person to the Social Science School of the National University of Mongolia to discuss the find on May 5th. He stated that he didn’t want the wrong kind of people to “mess it up”.
When the research team arrived at the Shuut cave, they found the slat burial destroyed and the ger wall and horse saddle had been used for they were broken. The administrations of National University of Mongolia are now studying the remaining pieces of bones and clothing at the Social Science School. The burial in Burgast contained the remains of a 60 year old man found wearing a deel (traditional Mongolian clothing), belt and remains of a bow. The burial in Gozgor was that of a Yuan dynasty Mongolian queen buried with her newborn baby. This burial too had been squandered and some artefacts were missing, yet the remaining artefacts are of immense value to Mongolian history-never before seen in the world. Researchers have determined that the mother and the child died of some kind of plague or contagious disease. The child was wrapped in sheepskin with scented plant and had stayed in this condition for almost 800 years – demonstrating the Mongolian mummification technique. This is a rare opportunity for anthropologist to study Mongolian history on a genetic level.

U.Erdenebat, head of the Archaeological and Anthropological Department of Social Science School, stated, “Many jewels made of copper, mussel, mother of pearl and other valuable materials, clothing and other artefacts used by queens of that era were found with the burials. Other clothing such as a red silk deel and head ornaments were found which were all intricately made and extremely detailed. The artefacts were those used and developed by Mongols and the people in Central Asia. These are artefacts and evidence of the Mongolian Empire established by Chinggis Khan. A red wooden cup was also found along with the burial, marked with square letters at its base which read “Khiyan,” which could be the name of the cup’s owner. This suggests that the Mongolian queen buried in Gozgor Hill is a descendant of the Chinggis Khan’s royal blood of Khiyad Borjigin.”
The Cultural Heritage Centre has been officially informed of the findings, and special archaeologists are working to clean and reconstruct the ancient artifacts.

Source: UB Post

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