Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Silk Road: Key Papers (2 Vols)

Edited, with an Introduction by Valerie Hansen, Yale Universit



Publication Year: 
Edition info: 
Publication Type: 
Pages, Illustrations: 
Set: 2 Vols: 414 pp.; 292 pp.
Publication Value: 

Biographical note
Valerie Hansen is Professor of History at Yale University (since 1998). She teaches courses on Traditional China (2000 BC-AD 1600), Voyages in World History to 1500 and The Silk Road Rediscovered. Her books include Voyages in World History (with Ken Curtis) (Wadsworth CENGAGE, 2010), The Open Empire: A History of China to 1600 (W.W. Norton & Co., 2000), Negotiating Daily Life in Traditional China: How Ordinary People Used Contracts, 600-1400 (YUP, 1995), and The Silk Road: A New History (OUP, forthcoming).

Professional and scholarly

Table of contents


SECTION I: The beginnings of the Silk Road;
1. The Development of Trade Between The Roman Empire and the East Under Augustus;
2. On the Question of Silk in pre-Han Eurasia;
3. The Desert Crossing of Hsüan-Tsang, 630 A.D;
4. Land route or sea route? Commentary on the study of the paths of transmission and areas in which Buddhism was disseminated during the Han period;

SECTION II: The Kushan Empire and Beyond;
5. La Vieille Route Reconsidered: Alternative Paths for Early Transmission of Buddhism Beyond the Borderlands of South Asia;
6. New Light on Ancient Afghanistan: the decipherment of Bactrian;
7. Life in Third-fourth Century Cad’ota: A Survey of Information gathered from the Prakrit documents found north of Minfeng (Niya);
8. Some Comments on Third-Century Shan-shan and the History of Buddhism;

SECTION III: Kuche, Kumarajiva, and Broader Issues of Translation;
9. Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Buddhism;
10. India and China: Observations on Cultural Borrowing;
11. On the Interrelationship of the Tocharian Dialects;
12. The Position of Tocharian among the Other Indo-European Languages;

SECTION IV: Samarkand and the Sogdians;
13. The Sogdian merchants in China and India;
14. The Self-Image of the Sogdians;
15. Wall Paintings from a House with a Granary. Panjikent, 1st Quarter of the Eighth Century A.D.; 16. New Work on the Sogdians, the most Important Traders on the Silk Road, A.D. 500-1000;
17. The Migrations and Settlements of the Sogdians in the Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang;

SECTION V: Turfan;
18. A Concise History of the Turfan Oasis and its Exploration;
19. The Impact of the Silk Road Trade on a Local Community: The Turfan Oasis, 500-800;
20. Women in Turfan During the Sixth to Eighth Centuries: A Look at their Activities Outside the Home;
21. Textiles et tissus sur la route de la soie: eléments pour une géographie de la production et des échanges;
22. Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian Silver Coins from Turfan: Their Relationship to International Trade and the Local Economy;
23. Money in Eastern Central Asia before AD 800;

SECTION VI: Dunhuang and Khotan;
24. Multilingualism in Tun-huang;
25. Silk Road or Paper Road;
26. Tang;
27. The Khotanese in Dunhuang;
28. On the taxation system of pre-Islamic Khotan;
29. The Nature of the Dunhuang Library Cave and the Reasons for Its Sealing;



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