Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Golden Horde and Coinage

International Forum on the Golden Horde: Monetary Developments According To Source Material

S.Mardzhani Golden Center Research Institute of History 
Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tatarstan

Central Asian Numismatic Institute 
University of Cambridge

19 - 20 March 2013, Kazan Tataristan, Russia

To discuss a variety of topics which contribute to the understanding of the characteristics of coinage and monetary affairs of the Mongol rulers of central Asia in the late middle ages. This includes areas of the Golden Horde and other countries of the region:
  •   Issues of coinage and monetary circulation in the Golden Horde and other Mongol states;
  •   Features of currency in the border areas of the Golden Horde and other Mongol states;
  •   Assessing trading activity of settlements and regions, according to the analyses of
          aggregate single coin finds and hoards;
  •   Written sources about coinage in the region (not only Golden Horde, but also in other
         states of the eastern regions of the Middle Ages;
  •   Numismatic and archeological collaboration in the reconstruction of historical events;
  •   Advancing archaeological techniques relating to numismatics;
  •   Methods for studying Oriental coins.

    Applications for participation in the conference need an abstract that should be sent before 10 January 2013 to Pavel Nikolayevich Petrov by e-mail at of the the organizing committee. 
    In the subject line, please put the identification “numismatic forum”, in Russian (НУМИЗМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ФОРУМ) or post the abstract to 420114, Kazan, Kremlin, entrance 5, Institute of History. S.Mardzhani Republic of Tataristan, tel. (843) 292-84-92; 292-00-19; (In Russian) 420114, Казань, Кремль, подъезд 5, Институт истории им. Ш. Марджани АН РТ, тел. (843) 292-84-92; 292-00-19.

    Form for participation
    1. Last name, first name;
    2. Title of report;
    3. Institution, city and country; 

    Source: Central Asian Numismatics

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