Friday 30 August 2013

Marc Aurel Stein – Illustrated Rājataraṅgiṇī

Marc Aurel Stein – Illustrated Rājataraṅgiṇī

The edition (1893) and translation (1900) of Kalhana’s Rajatarangini remains Marc Aurel Stein’s most lasting contributions to the study of Sanskrit and premodern Indian history. While this work remains unsurpassed in modern scholarship, references in Stein’s private letters pointed to the existence of an updated and expanded version of the Rajatarangini, illustrated with photographs of various locales, mentioned in Kalhana’s history. 
These revisions and additions, which Stein called the Rajatarangini Illustrated in correspondence, were long lost, HOWEVER this volume presents Marc Aurel Stein’s Illustrated Rajatarangini, edited from manuscripts kept in Oxford’s Bodleian Library. 

Appearing in print for the first time, the Rajatarangini Illustrated collects Stein’s additions and corrections to his text and translation of Kalhana’s Rajatarangini. These notes are illustrated photographs of important sites in the Kashmir Valley taken by Stein on his tour of the Valley in 1940. This collection of photographs has been reassembled from collections in Oxford and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. The volume is completed with four reprints of important papers on the Sanskrit text Rajatarangini by Eugene Hultzsch. These papers served as catalysts for Stein to rethink important textual variants in the Rajatarangini.

Text from: Lutheroutofstation

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