Saturday 23 November 2013

New Chinese archaeology magazine Wen Wu in English translation on the market

East View Press is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement to publish an English edition of the prestigious Chinese archaeology journal Wen wu (Cultural Relics).

Published since the 1950s, Wen wu has long been considered one of the premier journals on the topic of Chinese archaeology and cultural history and is well known for its high-quality articles and reports, and for the many detailed photographs and hand drawn images that permeate each issue.

With its translation of Wen wu, East View Press will make this key resource on the fascinating subject of China’s history available to an even wider audience.

East View’s English edition, to be titled Chinese Cultural Relics, will be published quarterly; each quarterly issue will contain complete translations of three monthly Wen wuissues. The inaugural issue of Chinese Cultural Relics is scheduled for publication in early 2014.

For a sample of the quality of the articles, click HERE

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