Saturday 28 December 2013

Conference about six excavation reports from Xinjiang and Tibet

From: Chinese Archaeology/    16 December 2013
On 4th, December 2012, the Forum on Chinese Frontier Archaeology was held by the Institute of Archaeology, CASS in Beijing. 
About 30 Scholars from Institute of Archaeology, Beijing University, Renmin University of China and other institutes and universities attended the forum. It attracted nearly 100 audiences and presses including People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Chinese Cultural Relics News and many graduate students from universities.

Professor Wang Wei, the director of the Institute of Archaeology, delivered the opening speech. 
He stressed the importance of Chinese frontier archaeology and mentioned that the frontier archaeologists require much wide vision and various specific skills. Mr. Li Yuqun and Mr. Cong Dexin hosted the first panel.

Mr. Cong Dexin made an introduction to his excavation achievements at the Adunqiaolu site in Wenquan county, Xinjiang
Stone-slab tombs and stone-built houses have been found, which yield various burial objects and living utensils, providing important materials to reconstruct the life of localities in 4000 BP. 

Mr. Guo Wu made a speech on his excavation to the Sanhaizi site in Qinghe, Xinjiang. 
The tomb has the greatest stone-piled mound in Eurasia steppe. 
Many stone inscribed with deer designs and shield-shaped stone slabs were unearthed. 
The site could be a ritual center of the nomadic kingdom from the first millennium BC. 

Mr. Wu Xinhua presented his new important discoveries at the Quman cemetery in Pamir region in Xinjiang
Much evidence from the cemeteries such as massive white and black pebbles on tombs’ surface and wooden fire containers found in tombs supports that the tomb occupants from 2500 BP were Zoroastrianism believers. 

Mr. Li Yuqun gave a speech on the achievements in the Tuyugou grottoes in Turfan, Xinjiang
Archaeologists disclosed over ten Buddhist caves and found a stupa with a dome and a rectangular base which was the first find of this kind in Turfan. 
The stupa was in early types from the 3rd to 4th centuries. 
It provides important materials for studying the Buddhism history in Turfan. 

Mr. Liu Guoxiang made an introduction to the excavation to the Xieertala cemetery and the Ganga cemetery
Three tombs from the Xieertala cemetery dating back to the 9th -10th century have been wholly moved into labs for detailed indoors excavation and analysis. In the Ganga cemetery many coffins made of single wood trunks have been found, which is the largest cemetery of this kind in the Hulunbuir Pasture Land. The tombs occupants are believed to be the early Mongolians. 

Mr. Tong Tao made a report on the excavation to the Gurugym cemetery and the Quta cemetery in Ngari, Tibet. In this excavation season many tombs and house foundations have been found in both cemeteries. 
A great deal of human and animal bones was uncovered. 
Some tombs with sacrificial pits prove that human sacrifice was very prevalent in 1800 year ago. 
Many burial objects such as the golden mask, painted potteries and iron objects show their cultural connection with neighboring Himalaya regions and south Xinjiang, providing important materials for researching the early Tibet culture.

The second panel hosted by Mr. Liu Guoxiang and Mr. Wu Xinhua focused on the discussion on the six speeches, and the methods, theories, aims and significance of the frontier archaeology. 
Mr. Meng Fanren, Mr. Wang Renxiang and Mr. Wei Jian and scholars from various fields expressed their views from different perspectives. 
The achievements of the six discoveries were fully affirmed; however much further work is needed. 
Some questions related to the cultural ascriptions, dating and function of the new findings, even the name of frontier archaeology, were fully debated. 

(Translator: Tong Tao)

Article from with English "Google Translate" Translation

Frontier Archaeology area covers a wide range , can be said to be one of the most content rich archaeological research. If the Chinese border areas in a broader cultural context under observation, it is often the cultural core area. Therefore , the latest achievements of the Frontier Archeology much attention of international and domestic academic circles. December 4 , sponsored by the Institute of Archaeology , " 2013 Annual Chinese Frontier Archaeology Forum" held in Beijing , I come from the Institute of Archaeology , Peking University, Renmin University of China , National Museum , Central University of Nationalities units 40 experts and scholars .
Forum, Institute of Archaeology released 2013 annual six frontier archaeological discoveries , namely Xinjiang spa adun Corum ruins and tombs, Xinjiang Pamir song Man in black and white granite tombs, Qinghe County , Xinjiang Sanhaizi site, Turpan region Tuyugou Western archeology,内蒙古谢尔塔拉cemetery and Gang Ga cemetery, Ali gar wood County it as a cemetery latest research results. In these new findings, laboratory archeology, remote sensing , low-altitude aerial application of new technologies such as a bright spot in the job field .
Adun Corum ruins and cemetery located in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang Boertala Hot Springs County . This stone house sites to explore , represented by a combination of architectural monuments , is likely to be even larger in the river basin Boertala important ritual or a ceremony held in the center of activities with the nature of the West Tianshan region and the steppes of Central Asia bronze Age largest single stone buildings . Female skulls unearthed tombs and pottery, stone grinders , and other characteristics of bone artifacts Maw , is reflected in the Western Tianshan region dating back 4,000 years ago Hououluoba crowd the most complete material aspects of life . Seen similar in ruins , monuments and cemeteries scale adun Corum large and complete, shows its important position in the Early Bronze Age remains of the West Tianshan region and in Central Asia .
Whitehead Mann song of the Pamirs in Xinjiang tombs Tajik Autonomous County in Xinjiang taxkorgan song Mann Village . This summer, archaeologists on which the 10 tombs scientific excavations found this tombs dating back 2,500 years , there remains a lot of fire , and was first discovered wooden " fire of the altar ," demeaning use of Zoroastrianism , the Department of flame into the burial customs, which provides important information for the study of the origin of Zoroastrianism .
Qinghe County , Xinjiang Sanhaizi site is located in Xinjiang Altai lush flowers Hai Lake. This year , archaeologists found the ruins of the largest to date on the rubble remains of the Eurasian steppe , there are a lot of rubble stacked stone pentagon shield , where a rather special surface engraved with a pattern , the upper middle round, there are neatly arranged around a circular herringbone pattern , also found the burial pits . According to experts speculated that there may be one thousand BC discipline early nomadic kingdom worship center. Found in burial pits , revealing the important role of ritual activity in the steppe culture of social complexity .
Turpan region Tuyugou Western archaeological ruins of the two , is a high- Taipei side ditch West Central region , one is a Buddhist temple ditch Eastern ground . West of cleaning up the high- ditch more than 10 caves , discovered a square base covered bowl round tower , with adjoining also cleared another Buddha Cave , excavated a considerable number of remnants of frescoes and clay . South part of the clean-up of a group of Buddha, Buddhist caves found in Zen Uighur Inscription Cave . Southernmost clean out a set of multiple alterations caves, rare shape of the Turpan area . Excavations Tuyugou site provides an important kind of information for the study of Buddhism in Turpan in Xinjiang region and the whole region .
内蒙古谢尔塔拉cemetery located in Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier Hailar District Town Tara Rochelle about 5 km plateau , archaeologists were found in three intact tombs at the site . In the course of excavations , archaeologists made ​​a careful excavation and heritage protection programs , tombs excavated in the lid plate , the cultural heritage protection experts arrived at the scene , using the glove box ways to get shipped back to the whole burial Hulunbeier Ethnographic Museum , to carry out experiments room archeology . Meanwhile , researchers CHENBAERHUQI Gang Ga cemetery conducted salvage excavations , clean out the six tombs, are unique burial coffin was unearthed birch bark quiver , wood iron arrowheads, copper earrings and a number of precious relics , we concluded that its age is in the 7th century to the 8th century . After the archaeological drilling , confirm that the cemetery is also distributed with more than 10 seats in single coffin for the burial tombs , which is the largest single wooden coffin was buried in tombs with the Hulun Buir Grassland discovered so far .
Ali Gar Wood County it as a cemetery is a distributed fairly dense Katao period tombs, the existence of a close relationship with the state capital of Shang Shung " dome Silver City ." On the basis of this preliminary excavation work on further found conclusive evidence of human sacrifice , in order to explore the secondary burial burial process provides important information . Meanwhile, archaeologists also found Muding tombs built by the crossbar , indicating that there are many high -level cemetery burial . Two of the larger tombs in Ngari extremely rare. Also for the first time discovered a cemetery with Zanda and neighboring regions like North Indian pottery and iron with the flow , confirmed these cemeteries in the cultural unity . Newly unearthed gold masks, pottery is found , further illustrate the region's rich and ancient culture of unity for the study of early civilization in Tibet provides an important basis .

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