Friday 27 December 2013

Lost fortress from Tamerlane found by Fredrik Hiebert?

From National Geographic's News Watch, December 2013
Fredrik Hiebert on the search for a fortress from Tamerlane on the bottom of a lake in Kyrgyzstan
One of history’s lesser known villains is a former ruler of Central Asia, known as Tamerlane, whose reputation includes stories of pyramids made of the skulls of his enemies. Few original documents exist from this era, and many hard facts about Tamerlane are lost to history, which makes it difficult for National Geographic Fellow Fredrik Hiebert to nail down the truth behind Tamerlane. But over the years, he had seen documents that allude to a palace that should be where a lake now sits. Hiebert located parts of a building at the bottom of the lake and has deduced that this fabled palace is actually a forward operating base to run a war against China.
To listen to the interview with Fredrik Hiebert, go to the source page of NG's News Watch and click HERE. The interview is no. 9 of the list of interviews and news stories.

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