Friday 24 January 2014

New discovery of nomad’s secret history

New discovery of nomad’s secret history

In this room you can find exhibits from an escavation carried out recently during which a 7-8th century tomb came into surface from the Turkish period. The creators dug 6 meters deep for a tomb of 4.5m x 5.6m x 2.8m in size with a dirt foundation 5 m high and 30 m in diameter, with a wall 110m x 96m to protect the tomb. It has entry hall way of 25 meters and covered by dirt but still noticeable from outside. The archeologists found the entry hall way first, cleaned out the overlying dirt and then reached the tomb. They have discovered wooden crafts, ceramic dolls of soldiers on horses with flags in their hands, and also ceramic dolls, horses, camels, cows, lions, fish, pheasants, pigs, male and female figures. Also, discovered were two blue square stones 75cm x 75cm, on top of which was written a biography of the person who was buried, and kept it near the tomb’s entry door. It had been long time, since archeologists discovered a stone with so many writings. It said that all the animals and dolls were created for the person’s next life (reincarnation), and represented his future wealth and good life and dedicated to his soul and pride.
        The leader of these archeologists, Mr. A. Ochir, has tremendous experience in discovering tombs, such us Bileg Khaan of Blue Tureg Tribe and also the ancient Uigur Royal tomb and etc. He diagnosed that this tomb in Zaamar might be the tomb of the Leader of Pugu aimag of Tureg tribe and that Pugu was a strong aimag consisted of 30,000 nomad households, and had capacity of providing 10,000 soldiers when needed.

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