Saturday 29 March 2014

A new hypothesis for the urban genesis of Bukhara

4 April: Current Research in Iranian Studies

14.30 – 17.00 hrs

University Library Leiden
Heinsius Room (2nd floor)

Everyone is welcome!

For more information please contact Gabrielle van den Berg at:


Pierfrancesco Callieri, University of Bologna:  "Cyrus the Great at Parsa: Recent archaeological investigations of the Joint Iranian-Italian Archaeological Mission at Persepolis" 

Florian Schwarz, Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna: “Thinking outside the square: A new hypothesis for the urban genesis of Bukhara” 

Maria Szuppe, CNRS, Mondes iranien et indien, Paris: "Versified Sufi genealogies from late Central Asia (16-19th c.): a new discovery on the ‘dark period’ of the Kubrawiya?"

Gabrielle van den Berg, LIAS, Leiden University: “On the performativity of Persian poetry: the metre rajaz“

The speakers will each give a report of their work in progress in the form of an informal lecture of about 20-30 minutes.

This workshop is organised with support of LUCIS (Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society

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