Sunday 7 December 2014

The newsletter from the International Dunhuang Project is out (No 44)


IDP News No. 44, Autumn 2014

The digital dome projection in the Visitors’ Centre. Courtesy of the Dunhuang Academy. Photographer: Sun Zhijun.
IDP News No. 44, Autumn 2014 is now available to view online or download as a PDF (798KB). The current issue includes the articles:
  • The Visitors’ Centre at Dunhuang
  • Conservation and Research on Excavated Textiles from Mogao
  • Desmond Parsons in Chinese Archives
  • Prospects for the Study of Dunhuang Manuscripts: The Next 20 Years
  • Our Favourite Things: Excerpts from the IDP20 Blog
  • Obituary: Serguei Grigoryevich Klyashtornyj

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