Wednesday 24 June 2015

Just out: Complexity of Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the first Millennium CE

Complexity of Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the first Millennium CE

Jan Bemmann/Michael Schmauder (eds.)

Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, 
Volume 7     
(Bonn 2015).

€ 111,00 - ISBN 978-3-936490-14-5

Since 1999 the Institute of Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology Bonn University conducts archaeological research in Mongolia under the umbrella of the German Mongolian Karakorum expedition in collaboration with the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the German Archaeological Institute.

With a first preliminary report on the excavations in Karakorum the publication series Bonn contributions to Asian Archaeology was started in 2002. 

The series, edited by Jan Bemmann, covers a broad spectrum of Inner Asian Archaeology and reflects the actual research interests of the Bonn University Institute of Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology, its conferences and projects: 

For more information, click HERE

  • Volumes 1 and 2 concentrate on the excavations in the craftsmen quarter Karakorum, the capital of the Mongol Empire.
  • Volume 3 and 5 deal with the archaeology of the Xiongnu who established the first steppe empire.
  • Volume 4 gives the only overview in English on current archaeological research in Mongolia.
  • Volume 6 is concerned with belt plaques form northern China (5th to 1st centuries BCE). 

The latest volume 7 was just recently published: 
Jan Bemmann/Michael Schmauder (eds.), Complexity of Interaction along the Eurasian Steppe Zone in the first Millennium CE. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, Volume 7 (Bonn 2015). 

Table of content

NIKOLAI N. KRADIN, Nomadic Empires in Inner Asia
NICOLA DI COSMO, China-Steppe Relations in Historical Perspective
J. DANIEL ROGERS, Empire Dynamics and Inner Asia
CLAUDIO CIOFFI-REVILLA, WILLIAM HONEYCHURCH, J. DANIEL ROGERS, MASON Hierarchies: A Long-range Agent Model of Power, Conflict, and Environment in Inner Asia
PAVEL E. TARASOV, MAYKE WAGNER, Environmental Aspects of Chinese Antiquity: Problems of Interpretation and Chronological Correlation

BRYAN K. MILLER, The Southern Xiongnu in Northern China: Navigating and Negotiating the Middle Ground
URSULA B. BROSSEDER, A Study on the Complexity and Dynamics of Interaction and Exchange in Late Iron Age Eurasia
MAREK JAN OLBRYCHT, Arsacid Iran and the Nomads of Central Asia  Ways of Cultural Transfer

SERGEY A. VASYUTIN, The Model of the Political Transformation of the Da Liao as an Alternative to the Evolution of the Structures of Authority in the Early Medieval Pastoral Empires
of Mongolia
MICHAEL R. DROMPP, Strategies of Cohesion and Control in the Turk and Uyghur Empires
ETIENNE DE LA VAISSIÈRE, Away from the Otuken: A Geopolitical Approach to the seventh Century Eastern Turks
SÖREN STARK, Luxurious Necessities: Some Observations on Foreign Commodities and Nomadic Polities in Central Asia in the sixth to ninth Centuries 
PETER B. GOLDEN, The Turkic World in Maḥmud al-Kashghari
THOMAS O. HÖLLMANN, On the Road again  Diplomacy and Trade from a Chinese Perspective
MICHAL BIRAN, The Qarakhanids’ Eastern Exchange: Preliminary Notes on the Silk Roads in the eleventh and twelfth Centuries
JÜRGEN PAUL, Forces and Resources. Remarks on the Failing Regional State of Sulṭānšāh b. Il Arslan Ḫwārazmšāh
TATIANA SKRYNNIKOVA, Old-Turkish Roots of Chinggis Khan’s “Golden Clan”. Continuity of Genesis. Typology of Power

MISCHA MEIER, Dealing with Non-State Societies: The failed Assassination Attempt against Attila (449 CE) and Eastern Roman Hunnic Policy
TIMO STICKLER, The Gupta Empire in the Face of the Hunnic Threat. Parallels to the Late Roman Empire?
MICHAEL SCHMAUDER, Huns, Avars, Hungarians - Reflections on the Interaction between Steppe Empires in Southeast Europe and the Late Roman to Early Byzantine Empires
WALTER POHL, Huns, Avars, Hungarians  Comparative Perspectives based on Written Evidence

 ISBN 978-3-936490-14-,  708 pages, 176 figures, 12 tables, 
price: € 111,00 free shipping, 
Orders can be placed at or via telefax to +49 228 737466. Book stores, institutes and university members may order on invoice without pre-payment.

More links:
The Institute’s research in Inner Asia

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