Tuesday 2 June 2015

Symposium on the Zoroastrianand Manichaean Religious Controversy 12—13 June 2015, Collège de France

Symposium on the Zoroastrianand Manichaean Religious Controversy:
12—13 June 2015, Collège de France
The two day conference seeks to investigate different topics regarding the “Zoroastrian and Manichean Religious Controversy”. It is organized within the framework of the chair “History and culture of pre-Islamic Central Asia”, Frantz Grenet (Collège de France) and with the scientific support of Jean-Daniel Dubois (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Studies).

Session I: Zoroastrisme
  • Albert De Jong: “Serial Orthodoxy: State, Faith, and Power in the Sasanian Empire”.
  • Alberto Cantera: “ast kē ēdōn gōwēd: les opinions divergentes dans la littérature zoroastrienne”.
  • Miguel Angel Andrés Toledo: “Riddles in the Ancient Indian and Iranian Religious Disputes”.
  • Mihaela Timuș: “Polémique intrareligieuse. Cas de figure – Vendidad 18″.
Session II: Manichéisme
  • Flavia Ruani: “La littérature polémique manichéenne : questions, problèmes, spécificités”.
  • François De Blois: “Manichaean Polemics: M28 and the Book of Mysteries”.
  • Jean-Daniel Dubois: “L’usage du terme DOGMA que l’on traduit par « secte », dans les Kephalaia coptes”.
  • Anna Van Den Kerchove: “La controverse chez les manichéens : à propos de quelques Kephalaia de Berlin”.
  • Madeleine Scopello: “Thèmes et motifs de la polémique manichéenne au miroir des sources directes et indirectes (iiie-ve s.)”.
  • Eduard Iricinschi: “Charismatic Healthcare and religious Rivalries between Manichaeans and Christians in fourth-century Egypt.”
Session III: Zoroastriens et manichéens
  • Antonio Panaino: “Late Antique Astrology and Uranography: common and antagonist Patterns in the Mazdaean and Manichaean Approaches”.
  • Samuel Thrope: “Therefore He Himself is the Demon, Lord of Hell: On Manichaean and Zoroastrian Anti-Judaism”.
  • Jean-Daniel Dubois: “Inter-Religious Conflict and the Trials of Mani”.
  • Paul Dilley: “Mani as Hermeneutes: Interpreting the ‘Law(s)’”.

Co-organizers of the symposium are Mihaela Timuș (maître de conférences associée au Collège de France, 2013-2015) and Flavia Ruani (postdoctoral fellow, Université de Gand) with technical assistance of Marie Guérin (coordinatrice scientifique et administrative, Labex RESMED).

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