Thursday 12 May 2016

International conference Islamabad 13-15 May: Recent Discoveries in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and their impact on the history of the region

Comprehensive policy implemented to introduce legislation to protect heritage.
Comprehensive policy implemented to introduce legislation to protect heritage
PESHAWAR: A three-day international conference titled ‘Recent Discoveries in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and their impact on the history of the region’ will be held from May 13 to 15 at a hotel in Islamabad. The event is being organised under the patronage of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government and Directorate of Archaeology and Museums.
Speaking to The Express Tribune, Directorate of Archaeology and Museums Director Dr Abdul Samad said the aim of the conference is to discuss recent discoveries from archaeological excavations in the province.
Modus operandi
Samad said over 70 research papers will be presented at the conference. Besides archaeologists, researchers and students from different universities, federal and provincial departments of archaeology across the country, foreign delegations from US, UK, Germany, Italy, Korea and Afghanistan have been invited to participate.
He added the conference will present new archaeological findings and examine them in the light of ancient scroll records, the Scriptures and other historical sources.
“Our rich archaeological heritage and culture will be highlighted during the event and special place will be given to emerging scholars – more than ten PhD and MPhil scholars and newly-appointed archaeologists of K-P will be accommodated,” he added.
Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Pakistan Jong Hwan Song, British Council Director in Islamabad Kevin McLavel and Minister for Sports, Culture, Archaeology, Museums and Youth Affairs Mehmood Khan will address the inaugural session of the international event where Chief Minister Pervez Khattak will appear as chief guest at the closing ceremony of the conference.
Meeting goals
Mehmood Khan said a comprehensive policy has been implemented to introduce a legislative framework. Guidance of professionals working towards preserving cultural heritage in the province is being sought and various methods of scientific conservation are also being adopted.
“The conference will provide an opportunity to chalk out a plan to preserve and conserve archaeological sites across the province,” he said. “The K-P government is eager to promote the province’s rich archaeological heritage and culture.”
Published in The Express Tribune, May 12th, 2016.


Recent Archaeological discoveries in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and their impact on history of the Region

13th to 15th May, 2016


The Directorate of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan intends to organize a 3-Day international conference on the topic titled “REcent Archaeological discoveries in khyber pakhtunkhwa and their impact on history of the REGION” from 13th to 15th May 2016. In order to give a greater recognition to the conference and ensure effective participation of scholars from all over the country and abroad, we are having partners, LUMS , University of Peshawar, Hazara University Mansehra, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, , Quaid e Azam University Islamabad, Shaheed Benazir Women University Peshawar, ACT 2, ISMEO (Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan) and British Council, Islamabad.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity to this Directorate to share and promote excellent achievements in the field of archaeology at international level with archaeologists and scholars of international repute and experts of different disciplines. This will also facilitate and encourage universities and institutions across the country and international scholars to share their researches with the national and foreign archaeologists and scholars.

Several successive sessions will be planned, including some 25–30 speakers, both established and emergent researchers. One day shall be reserved for visit to Peshawar Museum and important archaeological sites of Takht-i-Bahi, Julian and Bhamala World Heritage Sites. The conference will have the following four major themes:

 1.       New discoveries in the field of archaeology in Pakistan in general and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in particular and at large in South   Asia, Afghanistan and Iran and their relations or connection to Pakistan archaeology;

 2.        New researches in different disciplines of archaeology such as epigraphy, art including rock art, architecture, ethnology, museology, etc.;

 3.        Conservation (Preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and promotion) of cultural heritage.

 4.        Fresh information /knowledge and new developments as a result of research undertaken by Pakistani universities, institutions and international scholars on different aspects of Pakistan archaeology.

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