Thursday 23 June 2016

The Silk Roads (Critical Concepts in Asian Studies) by various authors

The Silk Roads 

(Critical Concepts in Asian Studies) 

Hardcover– 8 Jul 2016


  1. This book sounds like it would be a very useful resource for those of us studying the history of the Silk Roads, so I thought I would order a copy. BUT then I noticed with horror that it is advertised for sale on for US $1,485.00! I must object to this outrageous barrier to research and the sharing of information. This is extremely disappointing! John Hill

  2. Four volumes of articles found elsewhere. Convenient, I suppose, but ridiculously expensive.

  3. Warner Belanger has just mentioned above that the articles in this book can be found elsewhere. Can anyone please tell me how I can access them? Many thanks indeed. John Hill
