Tuesday 16 May 2017

New exhibition "The Great Liao" in Dutch Museum

New exhibition in Drents Museum in Assen (Netherland) 

The Great Liao  

Khitan Relics from Inner Mongolia, China 

23 April 2017 to 29 october 2017

The Great Liao

In 2017-2018 the exhibition The Great Liao highlights the splendour of an
Inner Mongolian nomad dynasty

The Great Liao
The Liao dynasty tells the wondrous story of an originally nomadic people that built a large and mighty empire in Mongolia in the 10th and 11th century. This empire did not only contain what is currently Mongolia, but large areas of Russia and China as well. Finds from 30 different excavations form the core of The Great Liao, a major international archaeological exhibition that will be on display in the Drents Museum firstly in 2017-2018.
Golden death mask
The exhibition's highlight is the grave of the princess of Chen. She died young in 1018 and was given a golden death mask indicating her royal standing. The mask, together with more than 120 precious objects including wonderful pottery, jewellery, crockery and horse harnesses, show the Liao dynasty's pomp and splendour


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