Wednesday 17 September 2014

Imre Galambos and Sam van Schaik on tour in Cambridge this autumn

The Ancient India & Iran Trust holds a number of lectures open to the general public from a variety of speakers during each academic term. Unless otherwise stated, these lectures are held at 23 Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge on Friday afternoons at 5pm. Admission is free, and light refreshments are served.
Friday Lectures 
(5pm, 23 Brooklands Avenue, unless otherwise stated)
Michaelmas Term: Focus on Central Asia

17 October: Imre Galambos (Cambridge)
A Forgotten Civilisation: Remains of the Tangut Kingdom in Central Asia

14 November: Sam van Schaik (British Library)
The Married Monks of Kroraina

28 November: Razia Sultanova (Cambridge)
Music of the Uzbeks of Northern Afghanistan

Lectures begin at 5.30pm with refreshments from 5pm.
All welcome. 

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