Wednesday 17 September 2014

Multi burial rooms found in Wutulan Tombs in Xinjiang

From: September 17, 2014
 The excavation of Wutulan Tombs conducted by Xinjiang Cultural Relics Bureau ended on September 15, 2014. Multi burial rooms were discovered for the first time.
Wutulan Tombs were discovered in Nileke County in northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Judging from the excavation, the tombs were built about 4,000 years ago. 
 Picture shows the layout of a burial room for a female body. (CNS/Xie Nannan)

From an article from from september 2013:
A 4.000 year-old site in Xinjiang has yielded an unusual burial. This is an Andros Novo culture site in the Ili River Valley. At the Wutulan cemetery, archaeologists have found more than 200 tombs. They have excavatad eight and found three sacrificial platforms. Among these tombs was an unusual one that was very large; within it were a number of small stone sarcophaguses that had the remains of children. Each child was buried with a bowl. Local archaeologists believe that this site proves that the Andros Novo Culture was already dominant in the Ili River valley

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