Dunhuang Studies: Prospects and Problems for the Coming Second Century of Research / 敦煌學:第二個百年的研究視角與問題 / Дуньхуановедение: перспективы и проблемы второго столетия исследований. Ed. by I.Popova and Liu Yi. Slavia Publishers, St. Petersburg, 2012.
Akagi Takatoshi 赤木崇敏
The Genealogy of the Military Commanders of the Guiyijun from Cao Family
曹氏歸義軍節度使的譜系 — 8
Chai Jianhong 柴劍虹
The Culture of Athletic Sports and Seasonal Festivals in Ancient Dunhuang — 14Cheng A-tsai 鄭阿財
敦煌佛教講經資料輯考與實況重建 ——從俄藏0-109寫卷論八關齋與俗講之關係
The Buddhist Sutra Lectures in Dunhuang: Text and Reality of the Exposition. Manuscript 0-109 on ‘Eight Precept Retreat,and Popular Lectures — 17
Chou Hsi-po 周西波
Untitled Taoist Manuscripts in the Russian Dunhuang Collection — 22
Chu Feng-yu 朱鳳玉
The Provenance of Dunhuang Manuscripts of bianwen and Oral Literature — 27
Deng Wenkuan 鄧文寛
The Importance of Dunhuang and Khara-Khoto Calendars from Russian Collections for the Research of Printing Technique — 33
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst 杜爾金
Current Work on the Sogdian Texts in the Berlin Turfan Collection
柏林吐魯番收集品中的粟特語文獻整理和研究現狀 — 35
Enami Kazuyuki 江南和幸,Sakamoto Shoji 坂本昭=, Okada Yoshihiro 岡甶至弘,Kohno Masuchika 河野益近
Approach to the History of Social and Cultural Life in Medieval China and Central Asia through the Scientific Analysis of Paper
中國中亞社會文化生活史研究——通過古文書用紙 質料科學分析 — 39
Feng Peihong 瑪培紅
Notes on the Document Дx-1335 from Russian Dunhuang Collection — 49
Imre Galambos 高奕睿
A Forgotten Chinese Translation of the Preliminary Report of Aurel Stein’s First Expedition
斯坦因作品最早中文翻譯的發現 — 55
Gao Qi-an 高啓安
On the Sheep Husbandly Terms in Dunhuang Texts (Focusing on guyang 笑又羊) — 60
Frederic Girard 佛徳力•吉海
The Trinomial Substance (ti 體),Signs {xiang 相)and Activity (yong 用)in Some Dunhuang Manuscripts Related to the Dilun School and the Treatise on the Act of Faith in the Great Vehicle (大乘起信論
) 敦煌地論宗文献中的三名法的體、相、用和《大乘起信論》 — 66
Cordula Gumbrecht 高杏佛
“Beyond all praising” - a Letter of Thanks from the German Turfan Explorers
至高無上之讚譽——德國吐魯番考察隊成員的一封致謝信 — 75
Isabella Gurevich 伊莎貝拉•古列維奇
Dunhuang Manuscripts as Source-material for Studies on the Historical Grammar and Vernacular Literature (bianwen) of the Tang Epoch
敦煌寫本對研究唐代歷史語法和通俗文学(變文)的價値 — 84
Hao Chunwen 郝春文
Comments on Some Dunhuang Documents
讀敦煌文獻札記(二則 — 92
Hyun Heangja 玄幸子
On Preliminary Results of the Identification and Reconstruction of the Manuscripts in the Russian Dunhuang Collection — 95
Iwao Kazushi 岩尾一史
The Purpose of Sutra Copying in Dunhuang under the Tibetan Rule
吐蕃統治敦煌時期的寫經目的 — 102
Kasai Yukiyo 笠井幸代
The Outline of the Old Turkish Commentary on the VimalakTrtinirdesa Sutra
一種古突厥語《維摩經》注疏概觀 — 106
Sergei Klyashtornyj 謝爾蓋•克里昂什多爾内
Manichaean Motives in the Turkic Runic Texts from Dunhuang and Tuva
敦煌及圖瓦突厥古文本中的摩尼教主 — 112
Kuo Liying 郭麗英
Dunhuang Sutras' Copies and Associated Elements: Case Studies of the Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing
從《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經》談敦煌寫經壁畫及相關石刻史料 — 115
Evgeny Kychanov 葉甫根尼•克恰諾夫
Dunhuang as Part of the Tangut Empire (982-1227)
敦煌作為西夏王國疆域的一部分(982-1227) — 127
Lin Jen-Yu 林仁星
Textual Variability and the Reason for the Dissemination of Buddha s Mother Sutra in Dunhuang — 131
Liu Hui-Ping 劉惠萍
Loan and Crossing: the Sun and the Moon Pictures in Dunhuang Buddhist Art and Chinese Mythology — 137
Liu Yi 劉吃
On the Second Section ofTaiping (S.4226) and the Problem of the Composing of the Taiping jing — 147
Matsui Dai 松井太
Uighur Almanac Divination Fragments from Dunhuang
敦煌出土回鶄文曆占書殘片 — 154
Meng Sihui 孟嗣徽
A Study on the Origin of the Eleven Planet Deities. Xi-Xia Painting of the Tejaprabha Buddha and Eleven Planet Deities in the Heavenly Palace — 167
Vladimir Myasnikov 弗拉基米爾•米亞斯尼科夫
The Role of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Exploration of the Dunhuang Complex
俄羅斯科學院在敦煌考察與研究中的作用 — 180
Nagata Tomoyuki 永田知之
敦煌書儀語言淺析——以與日本傳世書簡、 詩序的比較為中心
A Comparative Study of the Dunhuang shuyi and the Medieval Japanese Sources — 185
Nie Hongyin 最鴻音
Tangut Version of the Chinese Medical Treatise Ming tangjiu jing — 190
Ochiai Toshinori 落合俊典
The Authenticity of Li Shengduo’s Old Corpus of Dunhuang Manuscripts 李盛鐸舊藏敦煌本的真偽 — 196
Nikolas Pchelin 尼古拉•普切林
The Symbolism of the Murals from the Buddhist Monasteries of Turfan
吐魯番佛教寺院壁畫之象徵意 — 200
Irina Popova 波波娃
俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所西域收藏品中的 漢文文獻研究
The Chinese Documents of the “Serindia Collection” of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS — 205
Simone-Christiane Raschmann 孜莫娜-克里斯特娜•拉施曼
The Old Turkish Fragments of The Scripture on the Ten Kings (十王經 Shiwangjing) in the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS
聖彼得堡東方文獻研究所所藏古代突厥語 《十王經》殘片 — 209
Sakajiri Akihiro 坂尻彰宏
An Order of the Governor-General of Guiyijun about an Attack of Upland Nomads: P.3835v7
戊寅年五月十日歸義軍節度使下壽昌副使等防御 南山攻擊帖(P.3855v7) — 217
Kira Samosyuk 基拉•薩瑪秀克
The Artistic Style Paintings from the Xi-Xia and Yuan Dynasties in Khara-Khoto, Mogaoku and Yulinku
西夏及元朝的黑水城、莫高窟、榆林窟繪畫藝術風格 — 222
Kirill Solonin 索羅寧
Tangut Documents of Chan-Buddhism — 230
Sun Bojun 孫伯君
A Preliminary Study of Didactic Genre bian in Tangut Popular Literature — 238
Sun Jimin 孫繼民
The Documents in the Russian Collection of the Jintang Garrison Settlement of the Protecting Army of the Song Empire — 243
Takata Tokio 高田時雄
Phonological Variation among Ancient North-Western Dialects in Chinese
古代西北方言的下位變體 — 249
Stephen F. Teiser 太史文
A Codicological Study of Liturgical Manuscripts from Dunhuang
敦煌齋文文書形制研究 — 251
Tsuji Masahiro 迁正博
俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所藏《唐名例律》殘片淺析 ——關於办-8467的考證為主
A Preliminary Study on Identification of the Дx-8467 Legal Document of the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS — 257
Liliya Tugusheva 莉莉姬•圖古舍娃
On the Influence of the Written Form of the Word on its Pronunciation (According to Early Medieval Uighur Texts)
單詞的書寫形式對其發音的影响——以中世紀早期的 回鶄文獻爲例 — 261
Margarita Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya 馬爾卡利塔•沃羅比約娃霞托夫斯卡婭, Safarali Shomakhmadov撒法拉利•索瑪赫馬多夫
The Fragments of the Diamond Sutra in the Russian Dunhuang Collection: Description, Dating, Comments
俄藏敦煌收集品中的《金剛經》殘片:描述、定年、注解 — 263
Wang Peipei 王培培
On the Tangut Version of the VimalakTrtinirdesa Sutra — 266
Wang San-ching 王三慶
The Writings for Practical Use in the Russian Dunhuang Collection — 268
Wang Su 王素
Concerning the Recent Results of the Study of the Document Дx-2670v “Yi-wang enters Gaochang” from Russian Collection — 274
Wu Liyu 吳麗娱
Reports zhuang 狀 and Supplementary Notes biezhi 另紙 among the Dunhuang Private Letters — 278
Xu Quansheng 許全勝
Villages of the Western Regions and People with Central Asian Names: Some Notes on the Newly Discovered Turfan Documents — 284
Abdurishid YAKUP 阿不都熱西提•亞庫甫
Old Uighur Translations of the Fu-Vajracchedika and the Establishment of a Critical Chinese Edition
《傅大師頌金剛經》的回鶄語譯文與同經漢文校勘本的立 — 293
Yamabe Nobuyoshi 山部能宜
An Analysis of the Guanjing bianxiang Focusing on Дx-316: A Reconsideration of the Relationship between Art and Text
以Дx-316為中心的《觀經變相》的分析——再探美術 和女献的關係 — 299
Yan Tingliang 顏廷亮
A New Look at Dunhuang Literature under Tibetan Rule — 310
Yang Fuxue 楊富學
The Dissemination of Master Mahayana's Chan Buddhism in Tibet — 315
Zhang Huiming 張惠明
A Study of the Story of the Penance and Elimination of Sins in the Golden Light Sutra Illustration from the Bezeklik Caves (Focusing on Ty-575 Fragments of the Hermitage Collection)
柏孜克里克石窟《金光明經變圖》中的《谶悔滅罪傳》 故事場面研究——兼談艾爾米塔什博物館所藏 奥登堡收集品Ty-575號相關繪畫殘片的拼接 — 321
Zhang Naizhu 張乃翥
Some Manuscript Fragments from the Russian Dunhuang Collection and the Westward Spread of the Culture of the Chinese Central Plain — 333
Zhao Heping 趙和平
On Wu Chao’s Prefaces to the Diamond and the Lotus Sutras — 339
Zhu Tianshu 朱天舒
Dunhuang Cave No 272 and the ruixiang ‘One Buddha and Fifty Bodhisattvas’ — 345
Zhu Yuqi 朱玉麟
清代西域流人與早期敦煌研究——以徐松 與《西域水道記》為中心
Exiles to the Western Regions of the Qing Dynasty and Early Dunhuang Studies (Focusing on Xu Song and His Xiyu shuidao ji) — 351
Peter Zieme 茨木
A Chinese Chan Text from Dunhuang in Uighur Transcription and in Translation from Turfan
吐魯番地區回鶄語中關于敦煌發現的禪文献的音 譯及翻譯 — 361
Alexander Zorin 亞歷山大•佐林
The Collection of Dunhuang Tibetan Texts Kept at the IOM RAS
俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所的藏文手卷收藏情況 — 365
Since the legendary discovery of the cave library in Mogaoku (Gansu, China) in 1900, Dunhuang studies developed into an independent field of research with its own historical background, resources and patterns. The investigation into the Dunhuang documents and art objects dispersed through museums and libraries worldwide started in the early 1900’s with initial cataloguing, investigation, and analysis of the basic sources. Work with the Dunhuang legacy deeply influenced the course of all aspects of research relating to the medieval period of history in China, and it gave tremendous impetus for the development of Sinology in Japan and the countries of the West - Fiance, Great Britain, Germany and Russia. From early on, Dunhuang studies required genuine collaboration of the international academic community, including representatives from every country holding Dunhuang materials. Outstanding scholars of the past, such as Luo Zhenyu, Wang Guowei, Paul Pelliot, Naito Torajiro, Kano Naoki, Aurel Stein, Sergei Oldenburg have afforded us bright examples of such research cooperation.
The study of the Dunhuang manuscripts and artifacts during the last hundred years has led to a remarkable breakthrough in the understanding of medieval Chinese society, history, literature, religion, and culture. By the beginning of the 21st c., due to the efforts of generations of scholars, a large number of systematic catalogues, text-critical editions, bibliographies, and general works had been published. The Dunhuang manuscripts in world collections have become much more accessible, following the publication of the majority of them in a facsimile edition in China in 1990-2000s and in on-line archives published by the International Dunhuang Project.
These magnificent achievements established a solid base for the development of Dunhuang studies for the coming second century of research. At the moment, the new research environment is seeking to rethink the academic targets and to use newly-discovered patterns for the comprehensive scrutiny and cataloging of its sources. The emphasis for Dunhuang studies in the early 2000’s is to pursue thorough research the material already available and to make full access to the existing corpus of Dunhuang sources. The descriptive catalogues published in the 20th c. in China, Japan, Great Britain, France, and Russia are profound, and require moment-by-moment revision for corrections and additions. The academic results achieved on the basis of the study of the concrete material of Dunhuang and other regions of Central Asia can encourage the writing of general works.
These problems determined the topics discussed by the Conference “Dunhuang Studies: prospects and problems for the coming second century of research”, which was organized on September 3-5, 2009, in St. Petersburg, Russia, by the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the International Liaison Committee for Dunhuang Studies, and sponsored by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (project No. CS010-U-08), the Russian Foundation for Humanities (project No. 09- 01-14024), and the Dunhuang Academy (China).
The invitation to this symposium was accepted by researchers from the institutions in the world in which cultural objects of Central Asia are studied. Subsequently, the Conferenge participants, the scholars in Dunhuang and related Central Asian studies from China, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, Germany, France, Hungary, and USA, have contributed their papers for the publication. The methodology of the publishing of Conference proceedings is to present for the academics worldwide the recent results of Dunhuang and Central Asian studies, moreover many of the contributors are well-known top-level specialists in the field and their papers represent the most outstanding accomplishments of international scholarship.
The main scholarly target of the publishing of the Conference proceedings is to highlight the most important problems of Dunhuang studies at the present stage, giving priority to the research of primary sources. The greater part of the Dunhuang library consists of Buddhist texts, which are locally-specific, while at the same time sharing common traits with Buddhist texts from other regions. Some papers are devoted to the study of Buddhist texts and documents of the administrative, military and legislative content in the Chinese, Tangut, Uighur and Tibetan languages. Some of the papers deal with textual and philosophical comparative studies. Some papers go beyond Dunhuang studies and are devoted to Tangut, Tufan, Uighur and Central Asian studies. A number of the papers offer an analysis of the social and political situation in the region in ancient and medieval times. Some contributors, mainly the curators of art collections of the world museums, presented unique visual material on arts.
The proposed volume will be of interest for those who are doing their research in the study on the cultural heritage of China and Central Asia, and may provide some new impulses for future work in these important fields.

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